Advancing responsible sourcing
in mineral value chains
The RE-SOURCING project organised four Flagship Labs on good practice examples (Flagship Cases) in the electronics sector on 17 and 18 January 2023. A Flagship Lab is a digital peer learning workshop to discuss and learn from good practice cases.
In the selected Flagship Cases for the electronics sector, we presented a supportive approach towards upstream suppliers as part of a holistic program to improve workplace conditions and eradicate child labour (the Responsible Mica initiative), Fairphone’s approach to developing a sustainable smartphone and the protection of human- and labour rights in the electronics supply chain through worker-driven monitoring and public procurement leverage (Electronics Watch). The fourth Flagship Lab was about challenges in the implementation of the Conflict Minerals Regulation and what can be learned for the planned review and future due diligence legislation. A Good Practice Guidance document will be drafted on the basis of the four Labs.
This flagship case presents the Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI), a supportive initiative on the ground introduced by Fanny Frémont, Executive Director of the RMI: